Give your virtual conference/event a personal touch

Make your event stand out

Give your virtual conference/event a personal touch

Like all of you, we miss in-person events! During these difficult times, all events are virtual-only, and we have the feeling as if they are “yet another online event”. We get to see a lot of awesome sessions, but there is a lack of community-feeling, engagement, and personal touch.

Attendees love to do SWAG hunts

We want to do something about that! We at #PYOD can provide stickers for conferences and meetups! Attendees can get something from the event which sticks 💡 and you as an organizer can make that conference a bit more unique and special. This small token of appreciation generates engagement with your attendees and makes them feel welcome. That is what will make your event stand out from all others.

Sticker SWAG as a token of appreciation

We can not only design and print the stickers for you but also do the fulfillment and send stickers to registered attendees.

Interested? Just send us an email with your ideas